The Genetics of Primates Could Have Life Saving Treatments for Humans

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Relevance of Sequencing Primate Genomics

Maybe you’ve devoted a large portion of your life learning about the vast knowledge that genetics presents or have simply thought about how you may have different features from your parents even though you and your parents share the same genetics, but I’m sure there is a unique genetic topic that will surely catch your attention. I want to tell you that genetics of animals, specifically primate genomes, can have a much larger impact on humans that can result in potentially huge advancements in medical research and healthcare services for us. Don’t believe me? Then check out this research paper that I have written on “What is the Relevance of Sequencing Primate Genomes to Understand Human Disease?” This research paper provides a comprehensive review of new AI technology being used in identifying pathogenic variants and how primate genomics can be leveraged to advance medical treatment for humans.

If you are interested in learning more about this topic and how our primate friends can potentially benefit us, you can click the link below, which will take you to the National High School Journal of Science in which the research paper is located.

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